Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Structured Settlements And H.R. 4314 - Cutting Through The Myths

Structured Settlements And H.R. 4314 - Cutting Through The Demagoguery: "Summary: Structured settlement buyers provide a valuable service to individuals that originally choose a structured settlement instead of a lump sum and now wish to alter the timing of some or all of their payments. The vast majority of structured settlement recipients are employed and perfectly capable of deciding what is best for them financially. They had the right to choose a lump sum at the time of settlement and should continue to have the right to choose how they get their money. HR 4314 eliminates citizens' rights to choose what to do with their money.
Myth: Structured settlements are used to provide for the long term care of seriously injured people.
Over 85% of structured settlement recipients are gainfully employed or capable of working and do not suffer from a long term disability. "

This involves "factoring" the settlement and involves too much math for me. But I have seen this done in several personal injury cases where the settlement or jury verdict were high (over $150,000.00).

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